Areas of activity

Perekonnaõigusele spetsialiseerunud Litigante õigusbüroo tegevusvaldkonnad

Legal custody

Legal custody is a right jointly held by the parents, allowing them to care for the person and property of the child. If parents cannot reach an agreement on child-rearing issues and have insurmountable differences that hinder establishing reasonable living arrangements or age-appropriate development for the child, the court can resolve these issues.


I represent and advise on all matters concerning parental legal custody (division, termination, suspension, deprivation, restoration). I also have extensive experience in international disputes concerning the return of a child. This is often referred to as child abduction when one parent takes the child away from their country of habitual residence without the other parent’s consent, thus violating joint legal custody. My expertise also covers legal disputes over filiation (disputing or establishing paternity) and legal disputes related to the property guardianship of the child if one parent has caused proprietary damage or there is a high probability of this risk materialising.

Right of access

Right of access to a child is both a right and an obligation of the parents, independent of who holds legal custody. When parents cannot agree on future access to the child post-separation and mediation by a family mediator fails, claims regarding the right of access (including determining, limiting, or completely depriving access) can be filed in court.


I represent clients in proceedings for determining the right of access in both domestic and cross-border disputes. This includes matters of restriction or complete deprivation of access if a parent’s contact with the child is deemed harmful. I assist a separated parent in ensuring their right of access to a child who has been alienated due to the deliberate actions of the other parent.

Perekonnaõigusele spetsialiseerunud Litigante õigusbüroo tegevusvaldkonnad
Perekonnaõigusele spetsialiseerunud Litigante õigusbüroo tegevusvaldkonnad


Every child has the right to maintenance from birth, ensuring their basic needs and overall well-being are met. The scope of maintenance depends on many factors, which must be assessed individually. It is important to know that one cannot evade the obligation to maintain a minor child. An adult family member needing assistance also has the right to maintenance, but those required to provide maintenance can be exempted for objective reasons, in which case the local government must assume responsibility.


I represent both minor and adult children in maintenance matters, including disputes over the ordering, reduction or increase of support. I also represent individuals required to provide maintenance in disputes involving family members who need assistance when there are grounds for refusing maintenance.

Marriage and registered partnership

Marriage and registered partnerships involve a series of rights and obligations that govern mutual responsibilities, property matters, and overall family life. During good times, we rarely think about potential conflicts, but it’s during these times that we should secure ourselves against future disputes to better handle difficult periods.


I offer comprehensive assistance in legal matters concerning marriage and registered partnerships, including mutual rights and obligations of partners, joint responsibilities, division of common or joint property, mutual maintenance obligations, potential claims, and more.

Perekonnaõigusele spetsialiseerunud Litigante õigusbüroo tegevusvaldkonnad
Perekonnaõigusele spetsialiseerunud Litigante õigusbüroo tegevusvaldkonnad

Real estate and contract law

Contractual relationships, whether involving real estate or employment, entail numerous rights and obligations affecting agreements between the parties. In real estate disputes, it is crucial to consider whether the issue involves sole, common, or joint ownership, and neighbourhood rights must also be considered. In contractual disputes, agreements under a contract take precedence if they comply with the law and are not precluded by legal provisions.


I provide legal aid in various property and contract law issues, including resolving disputes arising from contracts, terminating and dividing common ownership, determining conditions of use, and disputes regarding the use and release of possession. I prepare necessary documents and represent clients in court.

Right of succession

Succession law affects all of us eventually. Succession can occur under law, will, or succession contract. For bequeathers, it is important to understand the most reasonable legal options to implement testamentary intentions as risk-free as possible during their lifetime. For successors, it is crucial to know the legal implications of accepting, inventorying, or renouncing the estate.


The estate includes both the property and obligations of the bequeather. In the case of a minor successor, it is often necessary to apply for court permission to carry out transactions with the estate. It is not uncommon for succession proceedings to be delayed because not all successors are located at the estate, and finding them can be very difficult.


I have years of experience as an estate administrator in judicial proceedings. I advise successors on issues concerning the rights and obligations of the estate, represent clients in court for permission to make transactions involving a child’s property, and initiate proceedings to declare a person dead if the potential successor has disappeared.

Perekonnaõigusele spetsialiseerunud Litigante õigusbüroo tegevusvaldkonnad
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